


ActivityPub server framework in TypeScript https://fedify.dev/

Hollo's avatar


Hollo 0.2.0 released! is a single-user federated microblogging software which is -enabled and powered by .

The key changes of this release include:

  1. Thanks to @thisismissem, now you can report remote accounts and posts.

  2. Added two-factor authentication support.

  3. Thanks again to @thisismissem, Hollo improved alignment on Mastodon API changes about OAuth and apps.

  4. Thanks again to @thisismissem, RFC 8414 for OAuth Authorization Server metadata endpoint. It will improve interoperability between Hollo and Mastodon-compatible client apps.

  5. Renamed the Data menu from the administration dashboard to Federation, and:

    • Now posts also can be force-refreshed.
    • Now the number of messages in the task queue is shown.
  6. Custom emojis now can be deleted from the administration dashboard.

  7. Thanks to @helge, PORT and ALLOW_PRIVATE_ADDRESS environment variables are introduced.

  8. Added a favicon.

  9. Dropped support for Redis, which was an optional dependency.

You can upgrade to Hollo 0.2.0 using the following ways:

5-a. Now posts also can be force-refreshed.
5-a. Now posts also can be force-refreshed.
5-b. Now the number of messages in the task queue is shown.
5-b. Now the number of messages in the task queue is shown.
6. Custom emojis now can be deleted from the administration dashboard.
6. Custom emojis now can be deleted from the administration dashboard.
2. Added two-factor authentication support.
2. Added two-factor authentication support.
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


Flyers for and to be used at an open source event in Japan!


洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)


Star History of , , and :


Star History of Fedify, Hollo, and LogTape.
Star History of Fedify, Hollo, and LogTape.
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)


Star History of , , and :


Star History of Fedify, Hollo, and LogTape.
Star History of Fedify, Hollo, and LogTape.
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


Flyers for and to be used at an open source event in Japan!


Hollo's avatar


Hollo 0.2.0 released! is a single-user federated microblogging software which is -enabled and powered by .

The key changes of this release include:

  1. Thanks to @thisismissem, now you can report remote accounts and posts.

  2. Added two-factor authentication support.

  3. Thanks again to @thisismissem, Hollo improved alignment on Mastodon API changes about OAuth and apps.

  4. Thanks again to @thisismissem, RFC 8414 for OAuth Authorization Server metadata endpoint. It will improve interoperability between Hollo and Mastodon-compatible client apps.

  5. Renamed the Data menu from the administration dashboard to Federation, and:

    • Now posts also can be force-refreshed.
    • Now the number of messages in the task queue is shown.
  6. Custom emojis now can be deleted from the administration dashboard.

  7. Thanks to @helge, PORT and ALLOW_PRIVATE_ADDRESS environment variables are introduced.

  8. Added a favicon.

  9. Dropped support for Redis, which was an optional dependency.

You can upgrade to Hollo 0.2.0 using the following ways:

5-a. Now posts also can be force-refreshed.
5-a. Now posts also can be force-refreshed.
5-b. Now the number of messages in the task queue is shown.
5-b. Now the number of messages in the task queue is shown.
6. Custom emojis now can be deleted from the administration dashboard.
6. Custom emojis now can be deleted from the administration dashboard.
2. Added two-factor authentication support.
2. Added two-factor authentication support.
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


10月26日(土)に開催されるOSC 2024 Tokyo/FallにFedify/Hollo合同で出展します!可愛いFedifyのロゴのシールと『自分だけのフェディバースのマイクロブログを作ろう!』日本語版の紙の本を持って行く予定です。よろしくお願いします。


洪 民憙(ホン・ミンヒ)'s avatar
洪 民憙(ホン・ミンヒ)




Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


Fedify is an server framework in & . It aims to eliminate the complexity and redundant boilerplate code when building a federated server app, so that you can focus on your business logic and user experience.

The key features it provides currently are:

If you're curious, take a look at the website! There's comprehensive docs, a demo, a tutorial, example code, and more:


Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework's avatar
Fedify: an ActivityPub server framework


Hello, ! It's the official fedi account of the Fedify, an server framework!

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)'s avatar
洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)


If you'd like to support the development of or , you can sponsor me on GitHub!


Hollo's avatar


Introducing . Hollo is an -enabled single-user microblogging software. Although it's for a single user, it also supports creating and running multiple accounts for different topics.

It's headless, meaning you can use existing client apps instead, with its Mastodon-compatible APIs. It has most feature parity with Mastodon. Two big differences with Mastodon is that you can use in the content of your posts and you can quote another post.

Oh, and Hollo is built using and .
